Kim had 5 goals for the fall: Try these 5 things in Austin… if you are not having back pain.

Hey what’s up y’all? I’m Dr. Jared Aguilar, I’m a physical therapist here at CORE Therapy and Pilates and I want to share with you a little journey, a little story that one of our patients here was telling me the other day…

So I’ve been working with the client, let’s just call her Kim (that is not her real name). She’s been dealing with a lot of stuff, she’s been having back pain for a while and it’s been preventing her from doing a lot of the stuff that she enjoys here in the Austin Westlake area…

For one, she loved to go see her son play football, Friday Night Lights, going out there watching her son score a bunch of touchdowns. Having that back pain has really made that hard on her, rising up and down from the bleachers, sitting in the bleachers for that three hour long game… hopefully it doesn’t go into overtime…

That had been really affecting her quality of life…

Also due to this back pain, she wasn’t able to keep up a regular fitness routine. She wasn’t able to run and hike the Greenbelt, she wasn’t able to run across town lake like she used to, which really gave her some sanity and allowed her to cool down. It gave her some time to to find her happy space as she ran the lakes and gave her some escapism from her busy hectic travel, commuting across and being stuck in traffic five days a week…

Kim was also concerned about the pain that she felt in her back when she would wear high heels, Gala seasons coming up… she wanted to make sure she’d rock and look excellent in those high heels as we approach fundraiser season.

She was also concerned that she be in a lot of pain when she’d be stuck in those airplane seats as she’s traveling across the country to see family and go check up on her kids at their various colleges across the country…

Finally she didn’t want her back pain to mess up her experience at the Austin City Limits Festival… and when we have a client like Kim here at CORE there’s a lot of stuff that we can do to help her.

First of all we got to build up your confidence and help you understand that you are strong enough, you do have the capacity to regain that movement that you feel like you’ve lost. Whenever you’re in pain for a while your tissues would kind of become a little bit more sensitive, that fear kind of sets in and you you stop doing the things that you love… like going to Friday Night Lights, going to ACL festival, hiking the green belt.

But fortunately here at CORE we were able to calm those sensitive tissues down and slowly rebuild Kim’s strength, her confidence and movement capacity… so now she’s totally back to hiking the Greenbelt, running across town lake, watching her son score all those touchdowns on Friday Night Lights, going to some UT football games and traveling across the country, not being afraid to bend over to get her purse, not being afraid to be stuck in it an airplane seat for five hours, not afraid to do anything…

She can enjoy anything that the great city of Austin has to give her without fear of having some crazy injury… Kim’s got her groove back, Kim’s got her confidence back, it’s been an amazing journey to watch Kim grow and her confidence and her strength and just fearlessness to take on the city of Austin and enjoy everything that this great city has to offer…

All right y’all I’m dr. Jared have a great fall season in Austin, Texas… Stay cool and have a blast!

Are you ready for your transformation? Like Kim had? Stop listening to everyone who tells you to just rest or suck it up and deal with it… We can actually HELP you!

Click HERE to apply for a FREE telephone consult with Dr Jared… or,

Click HERE to apply for a FREE in studio consult, what we call a Discovery Session… So you can discover what’s gone wrong… and what you can do about it to solve the problem…