Hi everybody, welcome to CORE, I just want to introduce some continuing ed that’s coming up here at CORE…
On Friday, I am starting level 2, program 2. It’s a GYROTONIC® training, so if you’ve done that pre training and you need to get your foundation in we’re starting that this Friday and it’ll go all the way through Monday…
October 14th through the 20th I’m doing the Jump Stretch Board, so if your GYROKINESIS® or GYROTONIC® certified and you’re looking for some continuing ed and you want to work on the jump stretch board. Or maybe you’re already certified on Jump Stretch Board and just want to update your material, we’re doing that course here as well, October 14th through the 20th…
Go ahead and call the office 512.215.4227 or you can email megan@therapyandpilates.com our website is therapyandpilates.com and you can go there as well to register, to sign up for the courses…
I hope you can make it, thanks, bye