Hey guys, happy Friday folks! I wanted to go through a very quick blog today… I saw a friend of mine did a blog similar the other day and it got me excited to share the same information. It kind of goes into the discussion of fascia that we’ve been talking about loosely for the last month as the new organ, the interstitium, was described or announced by science.
I want to use this little model here to explain a little bit of how we look at fascia from a holistic standpoint. This is called a tensegrity unit and it’s a bunch of wooden dowels and a bunch of rubber bands. It was created by an architect by the name of Buckminster Fuller and it is basically an architectural term. We use it in the anatomy world as well, if these are the bones these wooden dowels and these rubber bands are the fascia or the muscle let me say and the muscle is surrounded by fascia and the bones are surround by fascia… I like to describe how when we look at the body holistically if we were to affect one muscle here, let’s say this one muscle between my fingertips is let’s just say it’s the quadricep and the quadricep is super tight and bound down… Watch what happens to all of the wooden structures when I twist that muscle, every bone in the body or every bone in this unit that I’m holding is actually moving as a result of one piece of tissue being tight in the body. So now let’s just say this pool noodle is a nerve and it’s running through the body between bones and fascia. Then down here, way away from that nerve we get a tightness of the hip flexor and all of a sudden it binds down and it moves the whole structure, the pool noodle moves, the wooden dowels move, the rubber bands move…
So when someone says how does fascia in my psoas effect what’s going on in my neck and shoulder? Well this is the way we can demonstrate that because a lot of times I’ll have a client that will come in with neck pain and I’ll do something in there psoas or their diaphragm to help with their posture. They don’t think it has anything to do with their neck and then they sit up and their neck pain is vastly improved… So this is a scenario where I use this little tensegrity unit to describe that to my clients and how fascia works and whatnot…
So that’s all I got for you today, I hope that makes sense…
Y’all have a fantastic weekend!
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