How to Ease Neck Pain... Without Pain Meds or Injections

Stephen Dunn
Holistic Physical Therapist
THIS is for the person suffering from the misery of Neck or Shoulder Pain.
I am talking about that sharp pain in the neck with certain movements like looking over your shoulder to reverse your car or while changing lanes while driving. Or that dull ache at the base of the skull with sitting at the computer or using your smart phone. This pain leads to poor posture, or could be caused by poor posture in the first place.
Are you having trouble getting to sleep or are you waking up with pain and grabbing the pain pills to manage your pain? The thing is, those pain pills are not good for you and only cause other long-term problems.
Did you know that the first 5 minutes of the day dictates your mood and productivity for the day? Imagine starting your day with intense neck or shoulder pain. Well, take a guess on how the rest of the day is going to go? OR... Maybe it’s the pain where you reach for an item in the overhead cabinet and before you even grab the item, you have a sharp pain. OR... Perhaps it’s the pain where you are unable to play golf or tennis, or your unable to concentrate with your daily tasks.
I’ll bet you have even tried rest. That is not the answer either.
Since 1998, I have treated individuals with acute and chronic neck and shoulder pain and I can tell you that pain pills and rest do not work. They do not get to the root cause of your pain. They are just a temporary band-aid.
Because I continue to see individuals, 40 years plus, with chronic neck pain who have been frustrated just like you, I decided to develop a FREE report that will assist you in alleviating your neck pain.
Now, I can’t promise that the tips will relieve all your pain, nor can I promise that what has worked for my patients over the past 18 years will work for you. BUT… The free report is a better option than pain pills and rest.
It provides some hope that there are other ways to improve life with neck or shoulder pain. I want you to think about life with pain over the next five years and how it will affect your work life, family life, and overall independence. Will you be a fun person to be with?
Are you following me?
It is time for you to get my free tips report on neck and shoulder pain. Do this by calling (512) 215-4227 or by clicking the button below and confirming your details. There are limited copies of this report, so please take action TODAY.
Stephen Dunn, Leading Physical Therapist in Austin TX
“Look Who Else Came For Specialist Physical Therapy At CORE And Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY And HAPPY…In Just A Few Short Weeks”!

Early 50's, Austin
It started off with my neck and it was pretty bad. Then it moved to shoulder pain and increased neck pain, it was pretty severe. It was giving me problems sleeping at night and all that kind of stuff… A lot of the exercise activities I did were tough. I wasn’t sleeping that well because when my neck would hurt. Swimming would hurt my neck and I’d be doing that a fair bit, so things like that. I’d still go kite boarding because it wasn’t about to give that up, just suck it up, haha…

Late 40's, Austin
So the things that we’re impeding me the most is I’m a hair stylist and my arms are always up away from my body and I stand many hours during the day. I’ve dealt with my lumbar since my 20s but the cervical connection and where the disc was bad was something new and totally different to manage and it was so excruciatingly painful. I had to figure out like if I can’t work how do I get better to allow myself to do work or more of it...