Do You Have A Peach Butt or Prune Butt When You Contract Your Glutes???

[Stephen] Hey guys it’s Stephen and Cheryl here at CORE Therapy and Pilates in Austin, Texas. I wanted to go through a discussion that we have here frequently in the studio where we try to encourage people to use

certain muscles correctly. Cheryl has learned this description called peach butt versus prune butt and I want her to go over this description and explain the difference because I try to explain it to people, but I think she does a lot better… so Cheryl can you tell us the difference between what peach butt and prune butt is and why its important?

[Cheryl] First of all when you hear the description peach butt versus prune butt, wouldn’t you all prefer a peach butt versus a prune butt? So I think what what I’m trying to get at is when people start to grip their glutes then they actually turn off and become weak. This weakness in the glutes actually weakens the pelvic floor as well and that’s something none of us want to bring on…

When we’re trying to engage the abdominals you do want some nice tone in your glutes. You want them to work together so if you think of when you pull your belly back towards your spine a little bit and you drop your sits bones toward your ankles versus pulling them forward then that’s gonna give you a little connection of the glutes and the abdominals working together. You do want that to connect… So if the sits bones drop towards the floor instead of closing and coming together and coming forward then you’re gonna get more of that peach butt… which is tone in the glutes versus a prune butt would be gripping the glutes together and creating an actual weakness in the glutes and the pelvic floor…

Hopefully that explains it a little bit better with a little bit of tone in the

glutes for peach butt versus over gripping for prune butt, I hope that helps…

[Stephen] that’s your peach butt versus prune butt so keep it peachy this weekend and not so pruny…Have a great weekend… Share this blog with your friends.

Take care.

The best place to start to learn the difference between Peach Butt and Prune Butt is with private training with one of our Pilates Instructors. Click the button below to request a Free Pilates Taster Session to see if we re a good fit for you and your fitness goals…

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