Hey… it’s Allyson at CORE and I am doing another video on how to take care of yourself…
This one is about when you’re in the kitchen at the sink and it’s also about your shirts because if you look… about countertop height we tend to lean up against that countertop and we get holes in our shirts… right here. So when you feel yourself lean against that countertop remember we’re gonna do three things to make yourself feel better today… okay
First, you want to lengthen your spine! So you’re gonna go up in your head like your ears are going up to the ceiling and that lengthens your neck. It’ll loosen your upper back. Then the opposite of that chain is your legs. You want your legs going down into the floor like your feet are growing roots into the floor.
So you’re standing at the sink… your legs are gonna go down and your head is gonna come up, your spine will get nice and long… Those are the first two things.
Now the last one, those shoulder blades. When you’re working in the sink you have a tendency to lean over that sink… bring those shoulder blades back into your spine and down that back so your shoulders are relaxed and down…
Okay, so as you’re working where you’re normally here (leaning forward) lengthen and bring those shoulder blades back and down and work here (standing tall)… your shirt’s are gonna last a lot longer and you’re gonna get a stronger more toned core…
You guys have a great day!
Call 512-215-4227 to learn more about how to stand tall…
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