The New Pilates & GYROTONIC® Studio at CORE In Austin, Texas

Hey guys… happy happy Monday! Its Stephen Dunn with CORE Therapy and Pilates. We had a huge weekend and over the weekend we were able to rearrange the space as we took over some more space in the back. I just want to do a quick little tour of the studio before we get started… so as you walk in the studio the GYROTONIC® studio looks fairly similar. We still have the Gyrotonic towers along the wall where they were but this is what’s going to be different is the space where all the Pilates equipment has now been moved to the back.

This is what we’ve been doing all weekend is getting this place ready in the back… so we’ve got our four Reformers in the back! So here’s the new space so if you are taking a reformer class you will be in the back space today… That’s our new space we’re pretty excited about it and if you have any questions or comments put them below. We’ll have some new classes coming your way for the start of the school year.

All right guys y’all have a good one…

we’ll see y’all soon…

Call 512-215-4227 to learn more about our Physical Therapy, Pilates and Gyrotonic services.