How is GYROTONIC® Used in Physical Therapy?

I am often asked these 2 questions by people interested in my business.

How did you get interested in Gyrotonic?

How do you use it in your Physical Therapy practice?

Well, let me tell you a story! It was 2003 and Cheryl and I had just got married and moved to the wine country in Northern California for a temporary travel job. Cheryl found a job at a Pilates/Gyrotonic studio and it was at this time in the journey that she got to dive into the Gyrotonic system. She was able to go through her training and get Certified shortly after we moved to Austin in the summer of 2004. We moved our new Gyrotonic machine into our Physical Therapy & Pilates studio and everyone said, what is that thing? And before you know it, Cheryl was busy teaching Gyrotonic, not as much Pilates. Then we realized she was the only one teaching and we needed more trainers. So we brought in the lady from Northern Cal to train 6 of us, myself included. I got roped into that deal as we only had 5 people sign up and the trainer coming to town required 6. I really only expected to do the pre training and the foundation training, as I was not that interested in the system and didn’t see the use in Physical Therapy yet. So we got a few new trainers and over time, I really started to enjoy the unique movement of Gyrotonic. I then got a chance to study with a few German Physio’s and it really started to make sense on how I could incorporate the new system into my PT practice. This was 2009 and Gyrotonic was really becoming a great addition to our Physical Therapy practice and our personal training business. So that is the story of Gyrotonic found me!

To answer the second question, I use Gyrotonic concepts with each and every one of my clients. First I use manual therapy to help relieve pain, improve alignment and restore proper movement patterns, but then it takes awareness training to get those things to stick. Gyrotonic is the best system I have found to improve the posture and actually provide one the ability to be aware of if you are or if you are not in good posture. With Gyrotonic, I am able to progress a client from laying on their back on the ground to the Gyrotonic bench, to sitting with back support, to sitting without back support to sitting and moving the spine in every direction, to standing. This allows for 3 dimensional strength gains, not just linear.

And that is how I found my way into the Gyrotonic community and how I apply it to my PT practice.

CLICK HERE if you would like to apply for a FREE Discovery Session with a Physical Therapist from my Team

Or, if you are more interested in Gyrotonic for fitness, then CLICK HERE for a FREE 20 minute Taster Session

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