Apply For A 20 Minute GYROTONIC® "Taster" Session (To See If You Like It...)
We are able to offer a GYROTONIC® “Taster” Session which is perfect for people suffering with limited strength and flexibility who could ENJOY life much more WITHOUT these restrictions. You’ll leave your “Taster” session experiencing GYROTONIC® exercises on the Tower, Jump Stretch Board, Archway, Gyrotoner or Leg Extension Unit with experienced Certified Instructors. This is a great way to see our studio, experience our teaching and equipment as you are trying to find the right studio for your needs.
Hurry: For obvious reasons the “Taster Sessions” are limited and given away on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure yours before they are all reserved, please just fill out this form NOW. The more we know about you, the better we can help you...