How to Ease Back Pain... Without Pain Meds or Injections

Stephen Dunn
Holistic Physical Therapist
I am talking about that sharp pain in the lower back with certain movements like bending over or positions like sitting or standing. Or that dull ache that limits your ability to concentrate on your daily tasks. This pain leads to inactivity, which then results in stiffness and compensations throughout the body.
Are you waking up with pain and grabbing the pain pills to manage your pain? The thing is, those pain pills are not good for you and only cause other long-term problems.
Did you know that the first 5 minutes of the day dictates your mood and productivity for the day? Imagine starting your day with intense back pain. Well, take a guess on how the rest of the day is going to go? OR... Maybe it’s the pain where you reach for an item on the floor and before even getting there you have a sharp pain. OR... Perhaps it’s the pain where you are unable to run outside with the kids or participate in their sporting events.
I’ll bet you have even tried rest. That is not the answer either.
Since 1998, I have treated individuals with acute and chronic low back pain and I can tell you that pain pills and rest do not work. They do not get to the root cause of your pain. They are just a temporary band-aid.
Because I continue to see individuals, 40 years plus, with chronic back pain who have been frustrated just like you, I decided to develop a FREE report that will assist you in alleviating your back pain.
Now, I can’t promise that the tips will relieve all your pain, nor can I promise that what has worked for my patients over the past 18 years will work for you. BUT… The free report is a better option than pain pills and rest.
It provides some hope that there are other ways to improve life with back pain. I want you to think about life with back pain over the next five years and how it will affect your work life, family life, and overall independence. Will you be a fun person to be with?
Are you following me?
It is time for you to get my free tips report on back pain. Do this by calling (512) 215-4227 or by clicking the button below and confirming your details. There are limited copies of this report, so please take action TODAY.
Stephen Dunn, Leading Physical Therapist in Austin TX
“Look Who Else Came For Specialist Physical Therapy At CORE And Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY And HAPPY…In Just A Few Short Weeks”!

Late 40's, Austin
Before coming to CORE I would go in and out of having extreme and severe back pain, extreme and severe neck pain. When an episode would come on and the pain would get to be at a certain level, I would miss out on anything and everything. I wouldn’t be able to join my family in sports or activities or whatever my husband and children were doing at the time… My initial goal in coming here was to be pain-free. That happened pretty quickly, within my first few months of therapy then progressing to exercise. After that I just continued to get stronger and stronger so that now as I’m approaching almost 50 years old, I think I’m physically in my best and strongest shape I’ve ever been…

Mid 20's, Austin
I didn’t know I had a problem for a couple years. I just knew that I was in pain and it all happened when I was in high school. Around ninth grade I finally broke my parents down and got a doctor visit and realized that I had some disk problems going on where they were disintegrating. It’s been going on for almost eight years now. After some time you kind of figure out little minimal ways to help improve stuff, but nothing long term which is why CORE Therapy has really helped me a lot. The team at CORE is focused in on all my pain and it’s taken something that was pretty life-altering and hurt with everything I did to now, I can manage it…