Why Do I Have Shoulder Pain With Serving In Tennis? With Throwing A Baseball?

All right, good morning guys… Hey, it’s Stephen Dunn with CORE Therapy and Pilates and in a moment I’ll be joined by my buddy, Dr Jared and what we’re gonna be going over today is something that’s been coming up in the clinic frequently in the last few weeks and what that is, is people with shoulder pain… and the shoulder pain that they are having is based on their shoulder elevating up towards their ear and typically what I’m referencing there is some, I’m working with some young athletes. I have a couple of pitchers and a couple of throwers, football throwers, baseball throwers and I also have several tennis players that I’m working with that are having the same issue and what’s going on is they’re having a situation where their arm goes, overhead to do the… The activity that they’re doing, the blade is really high up in the air like this and we really want that blade to be down like this. So we’re gonna go over that a little bit and kinda go over some ways of, some tips to keep out of that, here we go, Dr Jared is in the house, so we’re gonna use him for a model… now go ahead and I’m gonna have you turn around to face the back and I want you to take that uh it’s the right shoulders. Let me get on the right side and raise that right shoulder into abduction, out to the side and so as he does that, what happens is the the blade is sitting in a position like this. The shoulder blade… now relax it down for me Jared. Now this time do that same thing, but let the shoulder hike up towards your ear. Yes and now raise that arm up…. so see the difference there and how jammed this is? and now come on down and then do the same thing, but keep it down. Look at the difference there. So his blade will move a little bit. Do that once more it’s a little bit of motion there, there we go that’s a little better, but now do it wrong, see that difference? and What happens… take a break. We see that so commonly that the first motion of whenever let’s say your pitching or serving a tennis is to go here instead of here. So being able to keep my arm here… this is not what we want, this is what we want… so we wanna be able to go here, not there or serving with a tennis racket here, not there and so that’s just something we’re seeing frequently… you got anything to say about that Jared… I am with it because it’s all about efficiency, right? Especially we got the young athletes trying to make it to the next level, that little bit can make a huge difference. That’s right and what happens when this is happening and elevating, the rotator cuff tendon that sits in here.. there’s a little tiny rotator cuff tendon and let me grab something and we look at the shoulder blade here. We got a rotator cuff tendon coming in… oh man it’s not working for me like I wanted to… of course… It’s live television ladies and gentleman It never works like it wants. So we got this little Green band is gonna represent the rotator cuff and what happens whenever that shoulder elevates that rotator cuff is getting pinched and then you go to move your arm, It’s pinching more, so someone that would have tendinitis or bursitis or any of the itis situations going on there is an inflammation going on, but it’s typically gonna be coming from this raising up more than anything else, so in order to improve tendinitis, bursitis it’s not just working on the inflamed area it’s working on keeping that shoulder blade down, which comes from the lower trap’s, It comes from the lat’s and what ends up happening is in our day-to-day world, we spend our upper traps like this, our levator like this and we don’t have a situation where we can get into this position very well. So that’s our message for today. If you need some individual attention in getting your shoulder blade out of your ear… that’s what we’re here for, just come see us, comment below with any questions… share this out with any friends or family that might be, this information might be beneficial for, especially the youth athletes out there,…that’s right and that’s what we’re seeing a lot with this, young tennis players, young baseball players and young football players, basically throwing activities or overhead activities, whether serving volleyball, tennis, whatever… so that’s, what we got for you today. I hope this makes sense and uh we’ll see you on the flip side… bye guys… healthy shoulders y’all.

Have some pain that you would like Stephen Dunn or Dr Jared Aguilar to look at?

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