One question I’ve been getting a lot lately is “I sit in the bleachers all day long watching my kids play sports, and my back is killing because there’s no support in the chair. How do I help this?” Right? I get it. I have two young kids, I’m watching them play sports all the time, and I’m sitting there just sitting, watching. So I know. So what I’ve done today is I’ve got a little chair here to demonstrate that there’s no back support, and we’re gonna demonstrate sitting in those bleachers so you can kinda feel what it’s like to feel better about sitting in those bleachers all day.
So anyway, the first thing you wanna do is find your sitz bones. You wanna be right on top of them, and how you can find that is:
If you hang forward on them, your belly hangs out. If you hang back on them, you’re kinda slouchy. You wanna sit right on top of them, and from that place that’s where you wanna stay as much as possible. There’s a little bit of tone in the abdominals there, and it keeps you more upright and keeps your spine in alignment.
Now once I’m sitting there for a while, it’s not feasible to just stay in this ideal space. You have to move a little. So with that, I push through my feet and that gives me a little length through my spine, or I start to rock forward and back of those sitz bones all the while trying to keep that length. I’ll do a little twisting here and there, I might even do a little side bending when I’m sitting there, and then stretch the hips. That’s always nice. You bring one foot up on top of the other knee and leans forward to stretch those hips. If you keep those hips nice and open, then it’ll help keep that back more mobile and not so stiff as well.
So hopefully these few little pointers help you. Don’t just sit in those bleachers, find those sitz bones, move around, forward, back, side, rotate, all that’ll feel good, and stretch those hips. All right, hope that helps.
If you would like to learn more in person on how to sit in the bleachers without back support and without back pain, call 512-215-4227 to learn more.
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