6 Tips To Improve Your Running If You’re 40+ [Running Series: 3]

Hey, we are continuing our running series with vlog #3… I hope you saw the first 3 and we will have one more to follow.

Today I want to talk about paying attention to the first sign of a running injury. Many people that I run with and myself included will start to feel something tight and say, my calves are tight, I can’t do hills, maybe I should back off of this or that… but they do not do anything about it and this leads to a strain or tear or some kind of bigger injury that keeps them out.

So when you have that first nagging pain, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT…

There are a lot of great things to do to prevent injury.  I will discuss a few today.

1.  Change the surface your running on. If you run on the pavement, then try running on grass, or the gravel track. Try running on the trails or in the water to mix it up.

2.  Change your activity – if you run, take a day off and do something non-running. HIIT, bike, swim, pilates, yoga, functional training, the possibilities are endless. OR, do a short run combined with a short HIIT or a swim- 2 shorter workouts.

3.  Mix pilates into your weekly routine and take the concepts you learn into your running. Use your core while you run and you will run better.

4.  Stretch dynamically after your run or in the middle of it. Watch out for the next blog with some demonstrations of these dynamic stretches.

5.  Get some body work done 3 – 4 times a month, especially if you are training for a race.

6.  If you have a nagging pain and you have not been able to stretch or roll it out, etc. get a referral for Physical Therapy and get it taken care of now! Don’t wait until you cannot run.

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