Video Review of CORE Therapy and Pilates – Laura Couldn’t Sleep Or Exercise Due To Hip Pain? TESTIMONIAL…

How Did You Find Us At CORE?

Well I’ve known the Dunn’s for many years but I wasn’t exactly sure what sort of business they had going here. Cheryl and I were speaking one day and I was complaining about some hip pain and so she filled me in on what they did and I came in and checked it all out…

How Long Did You Wait To Start Physical Therapy? How Bad Was Your Problem?

So I’ve been having pretty significant pain in my hip off and on for about a year. It had probably been 2 or 3 weeks where it got to the point where I wasn’t sleeping and I was having a hard time getting down on the floor with my preschoolers (at work) and driving was very painful as well…

What Were You Missing Out On Before Coming To CORE?

I wasn’t able to work out and I had pretty consistently for several years. The pain had gotten to the point where I wasn’t able to participate in my normal workout activities and also just getting out and moving around with my own children…

What Did You Know About Physical Therapy Before Coming To CORE?

I have a vague recollection of doing some sort of physical therapy for a different back issue when I had babies. It was more, here are some exercises, do these at home… and I don’t remember having a lot of success with that…

What Would You Say To Someone In Pain That Is Skeptical About Physical Therapy and Pilates?

Don’t wait, come on in because often times it, well at least for me it was a relatively quick fix…

What Did You Enjoy Most About Coming To CORE?

I enjoy coming to the (Pilates) class. I love that the PT (Physical Therapist) in my case was also the instructor for my class. When I took classes that Allyson (my Physical Therapist) wasn’t teaching, there was often a discussion between the instructor and Allyson in regards to my health…

What Was Your Goal With Coming To CORE? Did We Help You Achieve It?

I was really looking to relieve the pain! I needed to sleep! I needed to be able to drive without the pain! I needed to be able to work with my little kiddos at school and really within one session with Allyson she fixed my problem and gave me some tools that I could take home and work on. So now I’m able to drive without any pain, get down on the floor, I’m able to do all of the classes and work out as much as I want, bike with my kids, sleep and just move around pain-free…


Call 512.215.4227 now if you are ready to have your own success story with CORE…

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