Allyson Marshall is a Physical Therapist and Pilates Instructor at CORE. She has taken extensive training in a technique called Total Motion Release (TMR). I had the pleasure of meeting the PT that created TMR back in 2002 as I traveled from California to North Carolina for a manual therapy course at his facility. His name is Tom and we have studied with many of the same mentors over the years, so I really connect with his work, but have yet to take one of his courses…
Even though I have never formally taken his courses, I have watched his youtube videos and come to the conclusion that I love TMR. I have used the techniques myself for my shoulder while playing sports, especially in the dugout while playing softball.
So please continue on to read the transcript from the video above… this is her second blog on TMR, a follow up to A Quick Fix with a Twist…
[Allyson] So we’re going to look at the, it’s the arm raise, but we’re going to go backwards to six o’clock. So do your right arm… that’s what it looks like and then try that left arm…
[Marshall] Way more, goes back way more (on the left side)…
[Allyson] So easy, so we decided that right arm was the hardest on that and it was pretty different… okay and so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to treat the good side, so we’re gonna give you a little light weight and I want you to do 20 repetitions of that movement on this side, the good side, okay…
[Marshall] Just this…
[Allyson] Yep, now we’re gonna retest the bad side, just move and go back like you did before…
[Marshall] That feels better, way better! Why? Why? Why?…
[Allyson] Crazy… Try this out on your own and let us know if you need more explanation of the why like Marshall asked???
Do you have shoulder tightness on one side when you extend your arm behind you?
Is you kiddo a young athlete with a painful or tight shoulder hindering their performance or even worse, making them miss their sporting events?
Do you notice a tightness on one side of your body when compared to the other? The shoulder? Hip? Knee?
If you answered yes to any of those questions above, then it is time to take the next step… What is the next step? Maybe its a phone consult, or face to face Discovery Session with Allyson… Which one works for you? They are both Free!
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Call 512-215-4227 now to tell us your story… We will listen and go from there!