Knee Pain Slowing You Down? Meet This 53 Year Old Woman From Austin…

How long did you wait before coming to see us for Physical Therapy (PT)?

I’ve had knee pain for so long and I had tried so many different methods to treat it and to work around it… so I’d say I waited too long to come see you from for my knee…

What made you wait so long to come see us for PT?

You know I think I had a list of things that I thought I should work through and that I could fix it on my own, or it would get better… But it just kept getting worse and worse till it got so bad that I was really at my wit’s end and said well I’m gonna have to do PT…

What did you know about Physical Therapy before coming to CORE?

Well I’ve had to arthroscopies on that knee so I’ve done physical therapy before. I’ve done a lot of different types of physical therapy but mostly my exposure to it was that the physical therapist works on strengthening exercises and you just go through this routine of do these, do these, do these, do these… Rather than treating me like I’m an individual person and a unique case and designing a program that’s just for me…

So when I came here I knew that would not be the case…

What would you say to someone in pain that is skeptical about PT?

I would say if you are in pain then it behooves you to get out there and do everything you can to make it better and physical therapy should be your first stop…

What did you enjoy most about coming to PT at CORE?

The results and of course the people because this is a great place to come and you always feel that everyone is vested in making you feel better…

What was your goal? Did we help you achieve it?

I wanted to be more functional so that I could spread out the time until I had to get a knee replacement and I did achieve that goal… I am functional, I am not well but I did not have a knee that was going to get well. But I can now work (standing as a Pilates & Gyrotonic Instructor in town) with it and do all of the things in my daily life that I need to do…

If you would like to discover the benefits of physical therapy for yourself, why not start with a free telephone consultation? Get your questions answered by an expert!

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