How Do I Get Out of Bed With Back Pain? Log Roll Technique for Back Pain.

Hey guys, what’s up? It’s Stephen Dunn here from CORE Therapy and Pilates in Austin Texas and today I want to go over something that recently happened to me, it’s my case study…

About three weeks ago, maybe four weeks ago now, on a Sunday I was moving a dishwasher. I had to get way deep into a storage unit to get this dishwasher out and with doing that it was about two hours of pretty physical manual labor. I was very conscious and aware of my posture and my body mechanics with lifting but I tweaked my back. I didn’t feel it at the time, but I felt it that night and it was pretty bad. As a PT who specializes in back pain, I’ve had a lot of neck pain in my life, and shoulder issues, and some knee issues, and ankle issues… but I’ve never actually had low back pain… so it’s quite an eye-opening experience because now I really got a true sense of what my clients have been telling me about now for 20 years. I’ve been doing this for 20 years now, which is hard to believe, but it hit me strong and hard and I had a hard time getting out of bed…

So I just want to go over a quick tip today called a log roll and it’s for when your wake up and you’re in pain and you have a hard time getting out of bed. This is a simple way or a easier way to get out of bed without aggravating and causing pain. If you’re a woman who’s been pregnant and through that third trimester, you figured out how to do a log roll to get out of bed at that time. I’ve never been through that experience (back pain or pregnancy) and so it was something I’ve taught my clients for many years… but it was something I had to do myself that day, at that time.

I’m going to show you real quick how to get up from the bed if you’re having back pain… so waking up from sleeping, if you get up like this, you’re gonna probably tweak and aggravate things more. So what you want to do is you want to bend your knees up, roll to one side keeping your back straight. Keep this hand here in front, the legs come off as you push up and as you get into that position you’ve kept your back straight and stable… so that’s really it… that’s a simple tip it’s called a log roll…

Share this with someone who you know that has back pain because chances are they’re having a hard time getting up in the morning…

That’s what I got for you today, comment below, like, share with a friend and I hope you all have a fantastic day… take care now guys… bye!

If you are having back pain that is causing you to have a hard time getting out of bed, then try this tip tomorrow… If you would like some more tips based on your specific injury, posture, compensations and goals of what you want to achieve, then click on the link to apply for our Free Discovery Session with a Physical Therapist…

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