Hi I’m Cheryl… Today I’ve got a video that I’m gonna make here about feet. I hear from a lot of people that they have bone spurs or bunion’s or they’ve torn the fascia on their foot and what I find really helps my feet is rolling them out. So I want to make this quick little video, so that you have some tools to do on your own. There is a whole lot more than what I’m going to put in this video today that you can do with your feet, but this is a really good start. So the tool that I’m gonna use is this little rubz ball, it’s a little Green ball it’s not that big it’s probably like the size of a golf ball. The ball and I’m gonna use has little knubbies on it…as you can see, I’m missing some knubbies… my dog decided to eat it, but it’s a great ball.
You can, if you want to buy this ball you can go to our website www.therapyandpilates.com and if you go into the store you’ll, find a link that will take you directly to your amazon account to be able to get this ball. Let’s go ahead and get started… I’m going to take this camera and we’re going to move it down so that you can get a visual on my feet and see what’s going on. So the first thing I’m going to start with It is just rolling the fascia on the foot starting at the heel and working it to the toes. So I’m going to put the ball in the middle of my heel and, as I’m doing this, I’m gonna release… look up here so you can see, I have my hand on my knees so that I can lean into it and put a little bit of weight behind this. So there’s some pressure there and I’m going to roll that ball from the heel, all the way up between the second and third toe. I’m gonna start that over again here so I’m going to take it, push it in the heel and roll it all the way between the second and third toe keeping that pressure and one more time, roll that ball. That might be a little tender for some people so now I did that right down the center of the foot, now I’m going to move the ball to the outside of the foot. So I’m going to take it to the outside and just do the same thing and roll it all the way up to that pinkie toe. Start over with that ball out there and roll it up to the pinky toe and one more time out there and roll it up to your pinky toe… good. Now, I’m going to do the inside of the foot, so I’m going to put it on the inside of the heel and roll all the way up to my big toe ball. It’s a little tender but I’m gonna keep going… we’ll start again, start at the inside of the heel and the roll that ball, nice and one more time in this line, rolling it all the way up to that big toe ball. Good, now from here I’m going to bring it back to the heel and I’m just going to lean into it, putting a little extra weight and then I’m going to go a little forward. I’m going to lean into it, put that weight and even more forward. I’m down the center of the foot now, lean into it…
Now I’m going to take it to where it’s right underneath those knuckles or what we call the transverse arch of the foot. It’s this domed part across the top of the toes there. So I’ve got that ball underneath my knuckles and I’m going to roll It back and forth like that and I’m really looking for those knuckles to kind of pop out. On the spot where you see them not pop out so much, you might want to keep the ball there. Grab those toes and kinda of pull them out and over the ball. So that you can get those knuckles to mobilize because you want that arch to be nice and domed… nice, all right.
Let’s go ahead and do that second foot… so we’re going to do the rolling. You’re going to start in the middle of the heel and you’re going to roll it all the way up in between that second and third toe. And again, starting over, middle of the heel rolling it up between the second and third toe and one more time rolling through the middle, nice. So now we’re going to go to the outside of the foot, we’re going to go along that pinky line. I’m leaning into my knee putting some weight into it and I’m gonna roll it all the way up to my pinky and again roll it to the pinky and one more time, roll it to the pinky, good. Now we’re going to go to the inside, roll in the inside of the foot, roll it all the way up to that big toe ball and again roll all the way up the middle of that arch, all the way to the big toe. One more time, roll that up, all right, now take and put the ball in the middle of your heel and just lean into it and hold it there, now move the ball a little more forward, lean into it, put some weight into it and again go forward, again and lean into it, hold it, put that pressure there, good… Now the ball is going to go a little more forward put that pressure and then take it and put it right underneath those knuckles. Now again, you’re rolling it over the ball, over this transverse arch so that the foot can dome over the ball. Here you can see those white knuckles popping out, that’s really what you want to be happening and, if you don’t get the knuckles to pop out so much, you want to stop in that spot, grab those toes again, pull those knuckles out around that ball so you can get them to pop out. Hopefully you can keep that domed arch right there working as well, all right…
So there’s your foot program.. go ahead and stand up, you should be able to feel your feet a little bit better and a little more comfortable… all right. That was my simple, little roll-out video for your feet. Watch out for my next video, I’m going to do some strengthening for your feet… this is Dudley… this is who ate my little ball.
Remember again, if you want to get that Green ball, let me grab it… go to www.therapyandpilates.com go into our store and it’s the rubz: R-U-B-Z Green ball and click on it there. It will take you directly to your amazon account, so you can purchase it. All right… thanks again… bye!
If you would like to have someone take a look at your foot problem closer, then we are here to help with that. We offer many options to start the conversation… You can call 512-215-4227 and tell us your concerns and goals.
Or click here to apply for a Free Phone Call with a Physical Therapist
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