5 Great Things To Do In Austin In The Spring Without Back Pain 🌻🌞🎾🧗‍♀️

If you are free of back pain, new to the area, or just looking for something to do this Spring, this blog is for you. Spring is my favorite time of the year in Austin, cedar season is behind us and the weather is the best we get all year. I love living in Austin because there is so much to do and so many great places to visit. Here are a list of my 5 favorite things to do in Austin if your not suffering from back pain.

1: Attend SXSW… South By South West, or South By as the locals call it, takes over the city for around 3 weeks every spring. Its a one of a kind festival that requires lots of standing in lines, standing to watch live music, walking around town and requires a healthy spine…

2: Walk the trail around Town Lake, or Lady Bird Lake as it is now know… The trail is a great place to get you walking or running. It is beautiful and shows an ever changing skyline of Austin from multiple views throughout your exercise. Expect lots of people and dogs. It is a great flat trail that you will love.

3: Hike Barton Creek Greenbelt. With over 800 acres and almost 8 miles of trails, the Barton Creek Greenbelt has lots to offer. It is lined with limestone cliff walls and is a must see. This trail is considered the 7th best in the state of Texas and is in the heart of Austin… There are 3 different areas, the Lower Greenbelt, the Upper Greenbelt and the Barton Creek Wilderness Park.

4: Play tennis with friends. Tennis season is in full swing all spring and if you are having nagging back pain, playing tennis becomes a challenge. Between practice, clinic and playing, the spine needs to be strong and supple to play tennis.

5: Hike Mount Bonnell. This hike up hundreds of stairs to the top of one of the highest points in Austin, overlooking Lake Austin offers an amazing view of Austin and the hill country. The stairs have handrails, but they are steep and many of them, making a real challenge to negotiate with back pain. If your new to the area, you will be shocked at how scenic the top is. I thought all of Texas was flat before moving here…

So those are the 5 things you can do in Austin in the spring without back pain and if you’re having back pain it may be time to do something about it…

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