Foundation Repair: Find the Pain and Look Elsewhere for the Cause

What does Foundation Repair mean? If you have issues with your home with some sheetrock, or your windows are not shutting correctly, or you got some cracks out of the ceiling – where the wall and the ceiling come together, or maybe even some of the nails are starting to pop out of the ceiling. You can call a contractor over and have them take a look at it. If he is an honest guy, he will say there is an issue with the foundation here. If he is not an honest guy, he will say I can fix that. I can patch that up. And all of a sudden you got a repaired ceiling, door or window but a few months later it’s coming right back because the foundation was not addressed.

When a patient comes in and have neck pain or shoulder pain, that can be equivalent to the ceiling, windows or doors not working correctly. Because of the position of the pelvis and the lumbar spine which is the foundation. A patient will come into my clinic for neck pain or headaches and I find a major imbalance in the lumbar spine or pelvis issue. We will treat the foundation first. And a lot of times see great results up the chain for the neck and shoulder pain, which actually brought them in in the first place.

The foundation repair, in my opinion, is very important. It is not all about where the symptoms are. It is more of finding where we need to be addressing.

Find the pain and look elsewhere for the cause.

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