Fascia Allows Gut Health To Influence Back Pain…

Hey guys… it’s Stephen from CORE Therapy and Pilates… Today I want to go over a case study from recently. I had a client come in and she was young, probably late 20s and she was a runner. She would run and get back pain and so she came in. She had a lot of tightness in her hip flexors and quads, she had a lot of weakness in her core and she was very swaybacked…

So we would work on her psoas to release it and relax it and strengthen her multifidus and her core. Now, what would happen is for about two days she would feel really, really good and then she would go back to running and doing her normal things and it would start bothering her again. It just wouldn’t last with what we were doing and teaching her. Even though she was doing the homework, doing her core strengthening, doing her release work… she just wasn’t getting better with the running…

So I decided to refer her to a friend of mine who’s a chiropractor, who does some muscle testing for allergies. Now I don’t really understand what he does, it’s kind of bizarre to me, but he was able to do an assessment and tell her that she was allergic to corn as well as gluten. Corn and gluten were a big part of her diet and after taking a month off of those two foods that were causing allergic responses, the inflammation in her gut completely simmered down and guess what happened? Her hip flexors no longer were as tight and all of the stuff that needed to be done to release the hip flexors was no longer needed, now she still needed to get strong and strengthen her core but she was able to not have the irritation and inflammation because of the GI… She was no longer putting food into her system, in her GI track, that was irritating the GI system, which oh by the way sits right on top of the hip flexors and psoas.

So that’s a case study I wanted to go over where we were able to help her… but until we found some other ideas (from the chiropractor) we really couldn’t take her to the next level. Then when she came back in after working with the chiropractor, she just worked with the Pilates trainer. She no longer needed to see me because she knew how to release her psoas they were still tight, but guess what? They were responding to it and then she was responding to the strengthening and she was able to get back to running as she wanted…

So that’s the case study for today, I hope that resonates for someone because again, sometimes it’s mechanical and sometimes it’s more than that. The way the fascia is all connected is how we can have a GI issue affecting musculoskeletal issues…

That’s it for today… have a great day guys!

If you want to work with a team that will do everything they can to help you reach your goals, then call us at 512-215-4227… Ask for our free special report on back pain and we can e-mail it right over.

If you want to run again, sleep through the night, be able to lift your grandkids, get back to tennis or golf, travel without concerns, or whatever it is that you love that you can not do… We are here to HELP you reach those goals. You have to take action to have a chance to reach those goals…

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