How did you find out about CORE?
For me it was word of mouth. My sister-in-law had been to Stephen before, had a really great experience. When I had an issue she just said look I know who you need to go and see, and so sent me to CORE.
How long did you wait to come in?
It was about a week. I had injured my back on a cross country trip moving some luggage around, and spent a couple of nights, just sleepless nights not being able to get any sleep. I didn’t know where to go. Didn’t really want to do medication or anything like that. So waited a week and then reached out and set up an appointment.
What was your problem? How bad was it?
I had some pretty serious pain somewhere in my spine. I didn’t know what it was. I thought, I’d heard of people injuring discs. I thought it might have been something like that. It was so painful that I couldn’t sleep at night. The pain was just so intense that I spent at least three nights without any sleep, couldn’t move properly, couldn’t bend, couldn’t pick up my kids. Yeah, at that point I knew I needed to do something, but I didn’t know where to start.
Did you try anything else before Physical Therapy?
No. I’d been on a bunch of Ibuprofen and stuff just trying to manage the pain, but it wasn’t really touching it.
What did you know about Physical Therapy prior to CORE?
Yeah, I knew a bit about physical therapy. My sister is a physical therapist, and I’d been when I had a dislocated shoulder before to a physical therapist before and seen results beyond just what a doctor would do when you’d go in and get maybe something for the pain. I’ve worked with physical therapists to help manage and increase recovery time, so I knew that, but when I came here it was a different experience in terms of working with Stephen, seeing that he listened to my symptoms, but then treated my whole body as a connected system. That was really new for me in that regards.
What would you say to someone in pain who is skeptical about Physical Therapy at CORE?
Well I think I’ve already recommended two or three people to come. Immediately I’m one of his Stephen’s biggest fans. It’s worth coming to check it out. The clinic is really friendly, people are down to earth, and you’ll find someone who will listen to what you’re going through but then actually give you a really specific plan. What I like with Stephen particularly was he wasn’t trying to get my repeat business for like months to come. He actually came, listened to what I needed, set out a plan after we’d met for a couple of weeks, and then everything worked out as it said. Within three months I was back on my feet and ready to start working out. Yeah, so it was very predictable.
Can you describe your plan of care at CORE?
It was a big learning for me working with Stephen. Initially the stretches and things that we went through I didn’t even know how some of the other parts of my body would be connected to things I was feeling in my back. He was good at actually helping guide me through. It was actually, some of the things were a bit painful, but he helped worked me through actually getting the stretches and things in place. Then gave me things I could work on myself at home, which was great. I love to be able to learn as a process and do it at home. But then working with Alexis in the Gyrotonic, I think a lot of the things I’ve taken now working back in the gym and doing everything we’ve done have come from the work in Gyrotonic in terms of knowing how to set myself properly before I do exercises, and understanding the correct posture when I need to just sort of manage things in everyday. A combination of the both was really important.
What was your goal? Did we help you achieve it?
Yeah, so I mean my specific goal, I knew when I injured my back that mainly it had come from years of just sitting at my desk, working at my computer, and really neglecting my overall health. I realized when I injured it I need to get back into some sort of regular exercise and activity. Three months with Core Therapy team got me to a point where I could start exercising back at the gym. Then using the lessons that I learned here I’m able to exercise in a way which is sustainable. Yeah, now I’m at the gym a couple of times a week and I haven’t had any reoccurrence. It’s been fantastic. Yeah, very good.
Are you are looking for a sustainable solution to your back pain?
Call 512-215-4227 to tell us your story… we will listen to you, just like we did with Dave.
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